
Showing posts from February, 2020


  I believe my effort in the beginning of the school year was not my best. However, I also believe that I have improved on my effort and still have room for improvement. The same goes for the quality of my work. In the beginning I think my work was not the best of my ability. Also, my participation has improved greatly. At first, I would not answer any questions in front of the class. Now, I answer a few; although, I will do my best to increase that.     In my projects, I think I should put more time and effort to think about things like focal point, depth, etc. I think I should try harder when it comes to the subject of matter. Next semester, I will try harder when it comes to ideas for my projects. I also need to improve on fulfilling the assignments and meeting all the requirements. I need to take my assignments further and go in depth with my projects. I believe I did well with format and resolution. I now know how to work blogger; therefore, no assignments should be late this se

semester 1 reflections

           I believe my effort in the beginning of the school year was not my best. However, I also believe that I have improved on my effort and still have room for improvement. The same goes for the quality of my work. In the beginning I think my work was not the best of my ability. Also, my participation has improved greatly. At first, I would not answer any questions in front of the class. Now, I answer a few; although, I will do my best to increase that.             In my projects, I think I should put more time and effort to think about things like focal point, depth, etc. I think I should try harder when it comes to the subject of matter. Next semester, I will try harder when it comes to ideas for my projects. I also need to improve on fulfilling the assignments and meeting all the requirements. I need to take my assignments further and go in depth with my projects. I believe I did well with format and resolution. I now know how to work blogger; therefore, no assignments shou

letter to my past

      Dear past self, do not give up. Ask as many questions as you need to and do not be afraid to ask for help. Although you have never used photoshop, t is not as complex as it seems. Just keep going and son enough you will get the hang of it. Make sure you turn in your assigned work and check blogger to see if they actually turned in.         Here is an example of a successful project, my cubism project. This was successful because I met all the requirements. For example, I was supposed to take multiple photos of the same subject and put it on top of the main photo. Therefore, that is why I did well on this project.

the importance of art

     Forms of art are important to have children grow. It is a way of expressing themselves. To take this away, children will not have a way to escape from the real world. Although we have to face workforce, we also have to face emotions.     If people do not learn how to express themselves it can result in bad mental health later in life. Forms of art can teach children life lessons that can help in the workforce. Therefore, they should not take art from schools or children's educations. This could affect how children see the world and how they cope with pain or things they have been through. This could also cause health issues later in the future.

orange daily dozen


forced perspective


purple daily dozen


red daily dozen


blue daily dozen


yellow daily dozen


green daily dozen


What art? 1 question answers

Part 1- 1. The mood portrayed in these photos are very serious. They are not expressing happiness because they are not smiling. They have a straight, strict posture. I believe this makes the image more serious. Also, the colors used are both bright and dark adding contrast. 2. I think photoshop. Although the images look like paintings, they look to real to be free handed and are very detailed. Also, the hair in the second image looks to real to be painted. Therefore, I believe it was photoshopped. 3. I think the color choices help with the mood. The artist uses both dark and bright colors. I believe he/she used this to create more contrast. The contrast allows the serious mood to be portrayed better. 4. I think he/she was trying to evoke pain. The girls in the images do not look happy. They look more upset or in pain. The contrast of the colors and the expression of the ladies help the audience convey what he/she wanted us to think. Therefore, I think he/she was successful with