What art? 1 question answers

Part 1-

1. The mood portrayed in these photos are very serious. They are not expressing happiness because they are not smiling. They have a straight, strict posture. I believe this makes the image more serious. Also, the colors used are both bright and dark adding contrast.

2. I think photoshop. Although the images look like paintings, they look to real to be free handed and are very detailed. Also, the hair in the second image looks to real to be painted. Therefore, I believe it was photoshopped.

3. I think the color choices help with the mood. The artist uses both dark and bright colors. I believe he/she used this to create more contrast. The contrast allows the serious mood to be portrayed better.

4. I think he/she was trying to evoke pain. The girls in the images do not look happy. They look more upset or in pain. The contrast of the colors and the expression of the ladies help the audience convey what he/she wanted us to think. Therefore, I think he/she was successful with their work.


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