
  I believe my effort in the beginning of the school year was not my best. However, I also believe that I have improved on my effort and still have room for improvement. The same goes for the quality of my work. In the beginning I think my work was not the best of my ability. Also, my participation has improved greatly. At first, I would not answer any questions in front of the class. Now, I answer a few; although, I will do my best to increase that.

    In my projects, I think I should put more time and effort to think about things like focal point, depth, etc. I think I should try harder when it comes to the subject of matter. Next semester, I will try harder when it comes to ideas for my projects. I also need to improve on fulfilling the assignments and meeting all the requirements. I need to take my assignments further and go in depth with my projects. I believe I did well with format and resolution. I now know how to work blogger; therefore, no assignments should be late this semester (unless of an absence). I did not do well with ideas for my projects. This semester I will try to do better with my ideas.

   That is what I said going into 2nd semester. However, I did not follow through with all my goals and plans. Me being lazy and not trying my best is no excuse to not do my best. I should have stopped procrastinating and do my work for here on forward.  I need to continue to put more effort into thinking of ideas for my projects. I should also continue to think of the content of the background in my projects because that does impact my photos greatly. From here on forward I should start striving for my goals rather than just thinking of them.


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