
imitation part 2

I chose to take this picture because it is very vibrant, contains, nature, and has very good detail in it. I feel as though this photo represents my photographer very much since it does fulfill all these qualities. 

imitation part 1

Imitation Part 1 For my photographer I chose Lizzy Gadd. I chose her for three reasons; vibrance, detail, and the nature in her photos. In every picture of Gadd’s there are vibrant and extreme colors used. This makes every photo of hers pop from the other photographers. To continue, Gadd has amazing detail in her photos. For example, each of her pictures are very focused and you can see something so small (like strands grass) everywhere you look. Finally, the nature involved in each photo. What makes Gadd’s photos stand out from all the photographers is that some type of nature is used in every picture. Could be a tree, sunset, or even a small grass. Photos by Lizzy Gadd:

time project


ovoids project


smiles project


love project



  I believe my effort in the beginning of the school year was not my best. However, I also believe that I have improved on my effort and still have room for improvement. The same goes for the quality of my work. In the beginning I think my work was not the best of my ability. Also, my participation has improved greatly. At first, I would not answer any questions in front of the class. Now, I answer a few; although, I will do my best to increase that.     In my projects, I think I should put more time and effort to think about things like focal point, depth, etc. I think I should try harder when it comes to the subject of matter. Next semester, I will try harder when it comes to ideas for my projects. I also need to improve on fulfilling the assignments and meeting all the requirements. I need to take my assignments further and go in depth with my projects. I believe I did well with format and resolution. I now know how to work blogger; therefore, no assignments should be late this se